Structuring large Clojure codebases with Biff

Jacob O'Bryant | 28 Jan 2025

I've been making some progress on rewriting Yakread (a fancy reading app) from ~scratch and open-sourcing it in the process. Along the way I'm experimenting with potential new features for Biff, my Clojure web framework, which Yakread is built with. In particular I'm working on approaches for keeping Biff apps more manageable as the codebase grows: the original Yakread codebase was about 10k lines and was already getting pretty crufty. I've also learned some things from contributing to our ~85k-line Clojure codebase at work.

I thought it'd be worth going over the main new architectural approaches in Yakread for anyone interested in poking around the code/as a preview of what to expect in Biff later on. The open-source repo has only a sliver of the production app's functionality so far, but it has examples of all the approaches described below.

Materialized views

"Old Yakread" has a lot of slow queries. For example, loading the subscriptions page on my account takes more than 10 seconds: for each of my hundreds of subscriptions, it has to run a query to figure out how many unread posts there are and when the most recent post was published. This is currently done the dumb way, i.e. Yakread queries for every single post and then computes the aggregate data.

The traditional way to solve this would be to denormalize the data model (add fields for “# unread items” and “last published at” to the subscription model) and keep it up to date manually (update those fields whenever a new post is published, whenever the user reads a post, etc). However, this approach can get out of hand.

I’ve addressed this in a cleaner way by implementing materialized views for XTDB. I store them in a dedicated RocksDB instance. For each piece of denormalized data you need, you define a pure "denormalizer" function* which takes in an item from XTDB’s transaction log along with the current RocksDB state and returns a map of key-value pairs that will be written back to RocksDB. Biff handles everything else: setting up RocksDB, running your denormalizer functions whenever there’s a new XTDB transaction, and providing a RocksDB snapshot for querying that’s consistent with your current XTDB snapshot (we retain XTDB's database-as-a-value semantics).

*Still deciding on the name... the codebase calls them "indexer" functions currently, but I decided "materialized views" are a clearer/more accurate term than "indexes."

This is a lower-level approach than something like Materialize, which lets you write regular SQL queries instead of defining these denormalizer functions (i.e. you’re defining a function of current DB state -> materialized view instead of new transaction, current materialized view -> new materialized view). However, when I experimented with Materialize several years ago I found that its memory overhead made it untenable for my use case. I’m sure it’s much better for, say, aggregating metrics from large real-time systems, even if it sadly didn’t work out for the simplify-random-guy’s-RSS-reader use case. (I’d also like to look into other things in this space like Rama and Feldera).

Writing the incremental view maintenance logic by hand is somewhat tedious, but the testing approach I'm using makes it really not bad. I’ve written code with Fugato that can take the database schema for your app and generate test data for use with test.check (Clojure’s property-based testing library). All you have to do is write an “oracle” function that takes a database snapshot and computes what the materialized view should look like for that snapshot. e.g. for the “subscription last published at” materialized view, the oracle function simply gets all the posts for each subscription and then finds the one with the latest published-at date. Then the testing code ensures that the materialized view computed by your denormalizer function matches.

Separating application logic from effects

100% of the application code in "New Yakread" is pure. The unit tests never have to set up mocks or check the results of side effects. Every unit test has the form “pass some data to this pure function and make sure the output matches this constant.”

I accomplish this by turning each function with application logic into a little state machine, where each state is either a unit of pure computation (app logic) or an effect handler. Whenever the pure app logic needs to do something effectful, like run an HTTP request or save something to the database, it returns some data describing the effect, which causes the machine to transition to an effectful state.

These effectful states perform the effects and then transition back to your pure application logic. They're centralized in one spot in your app, and they’re kept as dumb as possible: take some input data, do the effect, return the output.

For testing, each pure app logic state can be called individually without running the whole machine. This facilitates an approach to unit testing that I’ve been enjoying quite a bit: you define only the input data for your function, and then the expected return value is generated by calling your function. The expected value is saved to an EDN file and checked into source, at which point you ensure the expected value is, in fact, what you expect. Then going forward, the unit test simply checks that what the function returns still matches what’s in the EDN file. If it’s supposed to change, you regenerate the EDN file and inspect it before committing.

This is so convenient that for once I’ve actually been writing unit tests as I develop code instead of testing manually e.g. via the browser and then (maybe) writing tests after the fact. Thanks to Chris Badahdah for telling me about this approach.

This also has benefits for observability: the state-machine-executor code is a convenient place to put tracing and exception handling code. Whenever your app logic throws an exception, you'll be guaranteed to have the necessary input data to reproduce it, without having to add logging yourself.


The final big change I’ve made is that the codebase is now split up into a bunch of Pathom resolvers. I've also written a few Pathom/Biff helper functions, such as this one which auto-generates resolvers for your XTDB entities.

It took me a while to “get” Pathom, but now I’m a big fan. My latest attempt at explaining it is to make a comparison with OOP. It's standard to have classes for your domain entities (User, Product, whatever) which have some fields that correspond to columns in the corresponding database record and some fields/methods that return derived data. A common example would be having columns for first_name and last_name in the database, and then the class could also have a derived full_name method which combines the two.

Pathom lets you do a similar thing: you define "resolvers" for each of the fields in your domain; some resolvers fetch stuff from the database, while other resolvers return derived data built on top of those values.

The big difference between Pathom and OOP-style "model code" (not sure what to call it) is that In the OOP style, your model code and app code gets interleaved. With Pathom, you first submit a query and get the results as a plain data structure, then you pass the data structure to your application code. Like the effects stuff in the previous section, this helps your application code stay pure.

I use Pathom heavily to separate my model and view code. Each GET request handler defines a Pathom query, and I have middleware which runs the query and passes the results to the handler function. Those handler functions thus never need to include code at the top level for querying the database, fetching things from S3, or augmenting database records with custom business logic: that’s all done by Pathom resolvers in other namespaces. This makes the request handlers easier to write and understand.

I also have resolvers that return UI fragments. For example, the subscriptions page needs to render a list of all your RSS and newsletter subscriptions. I have a resolver which renders an individual subscription card (which includes things like the subscription title and the number of unread posts). The parent resolver—the one that renders the entire list of subscriptions—doesn’t need to specify all the data needed to render each card. It just queries for a list of “subscription cards,” which again helps to keep each individual resolver small and easy to understand.

This approach is conceptually similar to what Fulcro does: each UI component declares its own query. The difference is that Fulcro is a SPA framework; Fulcro includes a bunch of plumbing so that you can extend this programming model to the frontend. Since Yakread is server-side rendered with htmx, it just uses plain backend Pathom resolvers for everything.

The Yakread rewrite has a long ways to go. However I think the experimentation phase may be largely over: the framework features I’ve described above are all in place; now I just need to bang out the rest of the app. Once that's done, I'll start extracting various parts out of Yakread and releasing them as part of Biff.

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