
All functions are located in the com.biffweb namespace.


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(authentication-module options)
A Biff module that includes backend routes for passwordless authentication.

Returns a module map that can be included with the rest of your app's

There are routes for sending signin links and six-digit signin codes. Either
method may be used for signing in or signing up. If a new user tries to sign
in, a user document will be created after they click the link or enter the

Signin links usually have a bit less friction, while signin codes are
resilient to embedded browsers and PWAs on mobile devices. As a default
recommendation, you can use links for your signup form and codes for your
signin form.


You should provide forms that POST to /auth/send-link and/or /auth/send-code.
You should also provide pages at the following URLS: /link-sent,
/verify-link, and /verify-code. See ROUTES for details.

Your :biff/send-email function must accept the following templates:
 - :signin-link, with parameters :to, :url, and :user-exists.
 - :signin-code, with parameters :to, :code, and :user-exists.


:biff.auth/code documents are used to store users' signin codes:

{:biff.auth.code/id :uuid
 :biff.auth/code [:map {:closed true}
                  [:xt/id :biff.auth.code/id]
                  [:biff.auth.code/email :string]
                  [:biff.auth.code/code :string]
                  [:biff.auth.code/created-at inst?]
                  [:biff.auth.code/failed-attempts integer?]]}


Default: "/app"

Users will be redirected here after they sign in successfully.

Default: "/signin"

Users will be redirected here if they click on a signin link that is invalid
or expired.

Default: true

If true and the user opens the signin link on a different device or browser
from the one the link was requested on, then the user will have to re-enter
their email address before being authenticated. This helps to prevent people
from being tricked into signing into someone else's account.


  (fn [ctx email]
    [{:db/doc-type :user
      :db.op/upsert {:user/email email}
      :user/joined-at :db/now}])

A function that returns a transaction for creating a new user.


  (fn [db email]
    (biff/lookup-id db :user/email email)))

A function that returns the document ID for the user with the given email, or
nil if there is no such user.

Default: false

If true, the user's account will be created immediately after they submit
their email address. Otherwise, their account will only be created after they
verify their address by clicking the link/entering the code.


  (fn [ctx email]
    (and email (re-matches #".+@.+\..+" email)))

A predicate function that checks if a given email address is valid. For extra
protection, you can supply a function that calls out to an email validation
API, like Mailgun's.


All routes that are protected by Recaptcha take a required
g-recaptcha-response form parameter, which should be set automatically by the
Recaptcha client library.

POST /auth/send-link

Sends a signin link to the user's email address. The link goes to

Form parameters:
 - email:    The user's email address.
 - on-error: A path to redirect to in case of error. Default /.

 - /sent-link?email={email}:       Success.
 - {on-error}?error=recaptcha:     The recaptcha test failed.
 - {on-error}?error=invalid-email: The :biff.auth/email-validator function
                                   returned false.
 - {on-error}?error=send-failed:   The :biff/send-email function returned

Protected by Recaptcha.

GET /auth/verify-link/:token

A link to this endpoint is generated and sent to the user by the
/auth/send-link endpoint. On success, assigns the :uid parameter in the
user's session to their user ID. If the user doesn't exist yet, creates a new

Path parameters:
 - token: A JWT generated by the /auth/send-link endpoint. Expires after one

 - {:biff.auth/app-path}:          Success.
 - {:biff.auth/invalid-link-path}: The token was invalid or expired.
 - /verify-link?token={token}:     The user needs to provide their email
                                   address again so we can ensure it matches
                                   the address contained in the token.

POST /auth/verify-link

Verifies that the user's email address matches one contained in the token. On
success, assigns the :uid parameter in the user's session to their user ID.
If the user doesn't exist yet, creates a new account.

Form parameters:
 - token: A JWT generated by the /auth/send-link endpoint. Expires after one
 - email: The user's email address.

 - {:biff.auth/app-path}

 - {:biff.auth/invalid-link-path}
   The token was invalid or expired.

 - /verify-link?token={token}&error=incorrect-email
   The email address provided didn't match the one in the token.

POST /auth/send-code

Sends a six-digit (numeric) signin code to the user's email address. The code
expires after three minutes or three failed verification attempts.

Form parameters:
 - email:    The user's email address.
 - on-error: A path to redirect to in case of error. Default /.

 - /verify-code?email={email}:     Success.
 - {on-error}?error=recaptcha:     The recaptcha test failed.
 - {on-error}?error=invalid-email: The :biff.auth/email-validator function
                                   returned false.
 - {on-error}?error=send-failed:   The :biff/send-email function returned

Protected by Recaptcha.

POST /auth/verify-code

Verifies that the code provided by the user matches the one they were sent.
On success, assigns the :uid parameter in the user's session to their user

Form parameters:
 - email: The user's email address.
 - code:  A six-digit code.

 - {:biff.auth/app-path}

 - /verify-code?error=invalid-code&email={email}
   The given code was incorrect or expired.

Protected by Recaptcha.

POST /auth/signout

Removes the :uid from the user's session. Redirects to /.


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Deprecated. Alias for authentication-module.


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A [:div ...] element that contains a disclosure statement, which should be
shown on pages that include a Recaptcha test.


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(recaptcha-callback fn-name form-id)
Returns a [:script ...] element which defines a Javascript function, for use
as a callback with Recaptcha. The callback function submits the form with the
given ID.
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