
All functions are located in the com.biffweb namespace.

(pprint object)
(pprint object writer)
Alias of clojure.pprint/pprint. Sets *print-namespace-maps* to false.


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(start-system init)
Deprecated. See Biff v0.7.3 release notes.

Starts a system from an initial system map.

Stores the system in the com.biffweb/system atom. Returns the contents of the
atom. See https://biffweb.com/docs/reference/system-composition
Deprecated. See Biff v0.7.3 release notes.

Stops the system, refreshes source files, and restarts the system.

The system is stopped by calling all the functions in (:biff/stop
@com.biffweb/system). (:biff/after-refresh @system) is a fully-qualified
symbol which will be resolved and called after refreshing. See


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(use-config {:keys [biff/config], :or {config "config.edn"}, :as ctx})
Deprecated. Prefer use-aero-config.

Reads config from an edn file and merges into ctx.

The config file's contents should be a map from environments to config keys
and values, for example:

{:prod {:host "example.com"
        :port 8080}
 :dev {:merge [:prod]
       :host "localhost"}}

The current environment should be stored in the BIFF_ENV environment variable.
The default value is `prod`. To inherit config from other environments, set
:merge to a sequence of environment keys.


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(use-aero-config {:keys [biff.config/skip-validation], :as ctx})
Reads config from various places and merges it into ctx.

 Loads a config.edn file from resources and parses it with Aero. (See
 https://github.com/juxt/aero). Two additional reader tags are supported:
 #biff/env and #biff/secret.

 #biff/env is like #env, but environment variables can also be specified in an
 optional config.env file (read from the filesystem, not from resources) and
 in the system properties (variable names should be prefixed with biff.env,
 e.g biff.env.BIFF_PROFILE). If values are defined in multiple places,
 precedence is as follows:

   1. System properties
   2. Actual environment variables
   3. config.env

 The :profile value for Aero is also taken from these sources, in the
 BIFF_PROFILE key (e.g. `BIFF_PROFILE=prod` -- the value is converted to a
 keyword). It can also be passed in with `ctx` via the :biff.config/profile
 key, but this is only intended as a convenience for inspecting your config
 from the REPL.

 #biff/secret is like #biff/env, but wraps values in a function so that they
 aren't visible if you serialize the system map. The :biff/secret key on the
 system map will be set to a function that can be used to retrieve secret
 values, for example:

   (let [{:keys [biff/secret]} ctx
         jwt-secret (secret :biff/jwt-secret)]

 After config is merged into ctx, any keys in ctx with the
 biff.system-properties namespace will be added to the system properties. For

   :biff.system-properties/user.timezone "UTC"
   ;; Equivalent to:
   (System/setProperty "user.timezone" "UTC")

 Finally, if :biff.middleware/cookie-secret or :biff/jwt-secret aren't set, an
 error will be printed and the process will exit. This can be disabled by
 setting `:biff.config/skip-validation true`.
(sh & args)
Runs a shell command.

Returns the output if successful; otherwise, throws an exception.


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(assoc-some m & kvs)
Like assoc, but skips kv pairs where the value is nil.
(pred-> x pred f)
Convenience fn for (cond-> x (pred x) f)
(join sep xs)
Returns a sequence where the elements of coll are separated by sep.


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(safe-merge & ms)
Like merge, but throws an exception if any maps share keys.


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(normalize-email email)
Normalizes an email address to make future lookups easier.

Trims leading and trailing whitespace and converts to lower case. Returns nil
if the email is empty after trimming.


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(use-when f & components)
Passes the system map to components only if (f system) is true.

See https://biffweb.com/docs/reference/system-composition
(sha256 string)
Returns the SHA256 hash of string.


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(base64-encode bytes)
Converts a byte array to a base64 string.


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(base64-decode string)
Converts a base64 string to a byte array.


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(anomaly? x)
Returns true if x is an anomaly.

See https://github.com/cognitect-labs/anomalies
(anom category & [message & [opts]])
Constructs an anomaly.

Example: (anom :incorrect
               "Invalid parameter"
               {:info "x should be an integer"})

See https://github.com/cognitect-labs/anomalies


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(select-ns-as m ns-from ns-to)
Selects and renames keys from m based on the namespace.


(select-ns-as {:foo/a 1, :foo.bar/b 2, :baz/c 3} 'foo 'quux)
=> {:quux/a 1, :quux.bar/b 2}

(select-ns-as {:foo/a 1, :foo.bar/b 2, :baz/c 3} 'foo nil)
=> {:a 1, :bar/b 2}


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(catchall & body)
Wraps body in (try ... (catch Exception _ nil))


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(catchall-verbose & body)
Like catchall, but prints exceptions.
(letd bindings & body)
Like let, but transparently wraps all bindings with delay.


(macroexpand-1 '(letd [a 1]
=> (let [a (delay 1)]

(letd [a (do (println "a evaluated")
       {:keys [b]} (do (println "b evaluated")
                       {:b 2})
       [_ _ c] (do (println "c evaluated")
                   [1 2 3])]
  (if (even? b)
(out) b evaluated
(out) a evaluated


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(fix-print & body)
Ensures that print output doesn't get swallowed by e.g. an editor nrepl plugin.

Binds *out*, *err* and *flush-on-newline* to their root values.

  (println "hello"))


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 {:keys [biff/eval-paths biff.eval/on-eval],
  :or {eval-paths ["src" "test"]},
  :as ctx})
Evaluates any modified files and their dependents via clojure.tools.namespace.

 Returns the evaluation result. If set, `on-eval` is a sequence of 2-parameter
 callback functions which will each be called with `ctx` and the evaluation


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Loads new dependencies in deps.edn via tools.deps.alpha.

Ensures that a DynamicClassLoader is available so that this works even when
not evaluated from the repl. See


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 {:keys [dir exts age-seconds], :or {age-seconds 30}, :as opts})
Deletes files descended from the given directory that are older than a given threshold.

dir:          A path to a directory.
age-seconds:  Files will only be deleted if it's been at least this number of seconds since they
              were last modified. Defaults to 30 seconds.
exts:         An optional collection of filename extentions. If provided, files will only be
              deleted if they end with one of the extentions.

For example:
(delete-old-files {:dir "target/resources/public"
                   :exts [".html"]})


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 {:keys [biff/secret],
  :biff.s3/keys [origin access-key bucket key method headers body],
  :as ctx}
 {:as opts})
Makes a request to an S3-compatible service.

- `key` will be coerced to a string.
- `body` can be a string or a file.
- `headers` is a map. When putting an object, it should at least contain the
  keys "content-type" and "x-amz-acl".
- Common values for the "x-amz-acl" header include "public-read" and
- Any keys in `opts` will be prepended with the biff.s3 namespace and merged
  into `ctx`.
- Your S3 secret key should be accessible with (secret :biff.s3/secret-key).
- Public files will be available at "<edge URL>/<key>", for example,


# config.env

;; resources/config.edn
{:biff.s3/origin "https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com"
 :biff.s3/access-key "your-access-key"
 :biff.s3/secret-key #biff/env "S3_SECRET_KEY"
 :biff.s3/bucket "default-bucket"

;; Put an object:
(s3-request ctx {:method "PUT"
                 :key "some-key"
                 :body "some-body"
                 :headers {"x-amz-acl" "private"
                           "content-type" "text/plain"}})

;; Get an object:
(:body (s3-request ctx {:method "GET"
                        :key "some-key"}))
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