View the code for this section.
Now that users can create and join communities, we're ready to let
community admins create and delete channels. We'll start by adding a "New
channel" button. But first, let's update
so it adds the current user's roles to the incoming request:
;; src/com/eelchat/app.clj
;; ...
[:div {:class "grow-[1.75]"}]]))))
(defn wrap-community [handler]
- (fn [{:keys [biff/db path-params] :as ctx}]
+ (fn [{:keys [biff/db user path-params] :as ctx}]
(if-some [community (xt/entity db (parse-uuid (:id path-params)))]
- (handler (assoc ctx :community community))
+ (let [roles (->> (:user/memberships user)
+ (filter (fn [membership]
+ (= (:xt/id community)
+ (get-in membership [:membership/community :xt/id]))))
+ first
+ :membership/roles)]
+ (handler (assoc ctx :community community :roles roles)))
{:status 303
:headers {"location" "/app"}})))
Now in com.eelchat.ui
, we can check if the user has the :admin
role and show the button
if so:
;; src/com/eelchat/ui.clj
-(defn app-page [{:keys [uri user] :as ctx} & body]
+(defn app-page [{:keys [uri user community roles] :as ctx} & body]
;; ...
(:community/title community)])]
+ (when (contains? roles :admin)
+ [:<>
+ (biff/form
+ {:action (str "/community/" (:xt/id community) "/channel")}
+ [:button.btn.w-full {:type "submit"} "New channel"])
+ [:.h-3]])
{:action "/community"}
[:button.btn.w-full {:type "submit"} "New community"])
(If the button doesn't show up, you may need to sign back into the account that created this community.)
Next we'll add a handler so that the button actually does something. We'll also add a dummy
;; src/com/eelchat/app.clj
;; ...
{:status 303
:headers {"Location" (str "/community/" (:xt/id community))}})
+(defn new-channel [{:keys [community roles] :as ctx}]
+ (if (and community (contains? roles :admin))
+ (let [channel-id (random-uuid)]
+ (biff/submit-tx ctx
+ [{:db/doc-type :channel
+ :xt/id channel-id
+ :channel/title (str "Channel #" (rand-int 1000))
+ :channel/community (:xt/id community)}])
+ {:status 303
+ :headers {"Location" (str "/community/" (:xt/id community) "/channel/" channel-id)}})
+ {:status 403
+ :body "Forbidden."}))
(defn community [{:keys [biff/db user community] :as ctx}]
(let [member (some (fn [membership]
(= (:xt/id community) (get-in membership [:membership/community :xt/id])))
;; ...
[:button.btn {:type "submit"} "Join this community"])
[:div {:class "grow-[1.75]"}]]))))
+(defn channel-page [ctx]
+ ;; We'll update this soon
+ (community ctx))
(defn wrap-community [handler]
(fn [{:keys [biff/db user path-params] :as ctx}]
(if-some [community (xt/entity db (parse-uuid (:id path-params)))]
;; ...
{:status 303
:headers {"location" "/app"}})))
+(defn wrap-channel [handler]
+ (fn [{:keys [biff/db user community path-params] :as ctx}]
+ (let [channel (xt/entity db (parse-uuid (:channel-id path-params)))]
+ (if (= (:channel/community channel) (:xt/id community))
+ (handler (assoc ctx :channel channel))
+ {:status 303
+ :headers {"Location" (str "/community/" (:xt/id community))}}))))
(def module
{:routes ["" {:middleware [mid/wrap-signed-in]}
["/app" {:get app}]
["/community" {:post new-community}]
["/community/:id" {:middleware [wrap-community]}
["" {:get community}]
- ["/join" {:post join-community}]]]})
+ ["/join" {:post join-community}]
+ ["/channel" {:post new-channel}]
+ ["/channel/:channel-id" {:middleware [wrap-channel]}
+ ["" {:get channel-page}]]]]})
Now let's update com.eelchat.ui/app-page
so that it displays the channels
in the sidebar if you're a member of the community:
;; src/com/eelchat/ui.clj
;; ...
(ns com.eelchat.ui
(:require [cheshire.core :as cheshire]
[ :as io]
[com.eelchat.settings :as settings]
- [com.biffweb :as biff]
+ [com.biffweb :as biff :refer [q]]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :as csrf]))
;; ...
+(defn channels [{:keys [biff/db community roles]}]
+ (when (some? roles)
+ (sort-by
+ :channel/title
+ (q db
+ '{:find (pull channel [*])
+ :in [community]
+ :where [[channel :channel/community community]]}
+ (:xt/id community)))))
-(defn app-page [{:keys [uri user community roles] :as ctx} & body]
+(defn app-page [{:keys [biff/db uri user community roles channel] :as ctx} & body]
;; ...
:selected (when (= url uri)
(:community/title community)])]
+ [:.h-4]
+ (for [c (channels ctx)
+ :let [active (= (:xt/id c) (:xt/id channel))]]
+ [ (if active
+ [:span.font-bold (:channel/title c)]
+ [ {:href (str "/community/" (:xt/id community)
+ "/channel/" (:xt/id c))}
+ (:channel/title c)])])
(when (contains? roles :admin)
If you create multiple channels, you should be able to navigate between them:
Next we'll add a delete button for each channel. They'll only be visible if you're an admin.
Make a new src/com/eelchat/ui/icons.clj
file, containing the free
X icon from Font Awesome:
;; src/com/eelchat/ui/icons.clj
(ns com.eelchat.ui.icons)
(def data
{:x {:view-box "0 0 384 512", :path "M376.6 84.5c11.3-13.6 9.5-33.8-4.1-45.1s-33.8-9.5-45.1 4.1L192 206 56.6 43.5C45.3 29.9 25.1 28.1 11.5 39.4S-3.9 70.9 7.4 84.5L150.3 256 7.4 427.5c-11.3 13.6-9.5 33.8 4.1 45.1s33.8 9.5 45.1-4.1L192 306 327.4 468.5c11.3 13.6 31.5 15.4 45.1 4.1s15.4-31.5 4.1-45.1L233.7 256 376.6 84.5z"}})
(defn icon [k & [opts]]
(let [{:keys [view-box path]} (data k)]
(merge {:xmlns ""
:viewBox view-box}
[:path {:fill "currentColor"
:d path}]]))
Then modify com.eelchat.ui/app-page
so it includes the delete buttons. We'll
do a little finagling to make the icon vertically aligned:
;; src/com/eelchat/ui.clj
;; ...
(ns com.eelchat.ui
(:require [cheshire.core :as cheshire]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[com.eelchat.settings :as settings]
+ [com.eelchat.ui.icons :refer [icon]]
;; ...
(defn app-page [{:keys [biff/db uri user community roles channel] :as ctx} & body]
+ {:hx-headers (cheshire/generate-string
+ {:x-csrf-token csrf/*anti-forgery-token*})}
{:class '[text-sm
;; ...
:let [url (str "/community/" (:xt/id community))]]
{:value url
:selected (str/starts-with? uri url)}
(:community/title community)])]
(for [c (channels ctx)
- :let [active (= (:xt/id c) (:xt/id channel))]]
+ :let [active (= (:xt/id c) (:xt/id channel))
+ href (str "/community/" (:xt/id community)
+ "/channel/" (:xt/id c))]]
- [ (if active
- [:span.font-bold (:channel/title c)]
- [ {:href (str "/community/" (:xt/id community)
- "/channel/" (:xt/id c))}
- (:channel/title c)])])
+ [
+ (if active
+ [:span.font-bold (:channel/title c)]
+ [ {:href href}
+ (:channel/title c)])
+ (when (contains? roles :admin)
+ [:button.opacity-50.hover:opacity-100.flex.items-center
+ {:hx-delete href
+ :hx-confirm (str "Delete " (:channel/title c) "?")
+ :hx-target "closest div"
+ :hx-swap "outerHTML"
+ :_ (when active
+ (str "on htmx:afterRequest set window.location to '/community/" (:xt/id community) "'"))}
+ (icon :x {:class "w-3 h-3"})])])
(when (contains? roles :admin)
The :hx-headers
value allows us to trigger an htmx request from the button
element without wrapping it in biff/form
, which is normally responsible for
adding the CSRF token to your requests.
After we define the corresponding request handler, our delete buttons will be fully functional:
;; src/com/eelchat/app.clj
;; ...
{:status 403
:body "Forbidden."}))
+(defn delete-channel [{:keys [channel roles] :as ctx}]
+ (when (contains? roles :admin)
+ (biff/submit-tx ctx
+ [{:db/op :delete
+ :xt/id (:xt/id channel)}]))
+ [:<>])
(defn community [{:keys [biff/db user community] :as ctx}]
(let [member (some (fn [membership]
(= (:xt/id community) (get-in membership [:membership/community :xt/id])))
;; ...
["/join" {:post join-community}]
["/channel" {:post new-channel}]
["/channel/:channel-id" {:middleware [wrap-channel]}
- ["" {:get channel-page}]]]]})
+ ["" {:get channel-page
+ :delete delete-channel}]]]]})
In this case, [:<>]
is an easy way to return an empty response
(see the Rum docs).